Teresa Paulet
Communications Coordinator / In-house Auslan-English Interpreter
JPC Staff

Teresa Paulet joined JPC in February 2020. She is a Certified Auslan-English Interpreter and has worked in the Interpreting industry for 20 years.
Teresa’s focus is on ensuring access to information for all Deaf and hard of hearing people, especially those that are isolated by location or through lack of engagement. Teresa has worked as an Interpreter for many years with JPC, regularly interpreting the monthly Mass, as well as the Mass for You at Home televised program with Channel 10.
Teresa lived in Gippsland prior to moving to Melbourne to study Auslan and Interperting. She also moved back to work as an Interpreter in Gipplsland before returning and settling in Melbourne to raise her family. She also spent many years as a volunteer with ASLIA Vic (Australian Sign Language Interpreters’ Association of Victoria) as a committee member and secretary, and is passionate about supporting interpreters and industry engagement.